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March 02, 2013

Busy Busy

I have been a bit pre-occupied with domestic duties and have fallen behind in my goals and duties in ham radio. I suffer from chronic pain and the pain levels have been through the roof lately. I went in for outpatient surgery for a nerve block and that was useless. Anyways I have to get my logs for Feb. uploaded into LoTW EQSL and Not many contacts but still got to log them anyhow. I'm currently trying to get my worked all states award, also join OMISS. I belong to them many many years ago but no longer show up on the membership list. Besides the fact I have upgraded twice and If I remember right a call sign change. When I upgraded from Novice to Technician class I felt it was time to retire the KA8 call sign. Then getting the "N8" call I was at first disappointed because I was hoping for a "W" as my relatives had. Then shortly afterwards the F.C.C.supposedly discontinued the format of my call sign as they did with the "WA8" calls back when I upgraded. Now once again you may be given a call sign with  just about anything thanks to the vanity license addition. After all that I decided to keep my call indefinitely, I refuse to pay for a vanity call every year or whatever it is.

One of my frustrating projects has been trying to get my rigblaster pro to work. As of right now it still will not work with my Kenwood TS-2000X. I have tried customer service and the Yahoo help groups. Each time I post several new ideas come from the groups. Odds are one of them is going to work eventually. I have confidence in one suggestion in particular and that will be the next one I try!


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